# of BTD students who obtained PhD degrees
Students Supported through various programs
# of URM STEM students graduated in our Alliance over the past 30 years.
of Supporting Students
Texas A&M University System Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation runs many programs to support historically underrepresented students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines to complete their bachelor degrees and to pursue graduate school in STEM fields. Below is a list of the programs:
Bridge to the Doctorate (BTD)
The BTD program is aimed at increasing the quality and quantity of underrepresented students successfully completing science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) baccalaureate degree programs, and increasing the number of underrepresented students interested in, academically qualified for and matriculated into programs of graduate study.
Graduate Interest Group (GIG)
The GIG (Graduate Interest Group) program will empower students with information about graduate school: why apply, how to apply, and funding options. By attending GIG activities or sponsored events students will earn GIG Points which can be redeemed for prizes described on the following page.
The TAMUS LSAMP Symposium provides training on leadership, effective research presentation skills, and the power of collaboration and networking with peers and faculty. In addition, evaluation of research posters takes place, which provides the opportunity for participants to have their research assessed by both alliance-wide faculty and peers.

NOBCChE at Prairie View A&M University

The Clarkson McNair Scholars Program

REU in RNA at University at Albany, SUNY

2023 Summer REU Program: May 31 - July 29

About us
The Texas A&M System Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (TAMUS LSAMP) is a partnership comprised of Texas A&M University, Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi, Texas A&M International University and Prairie View A&M University committed to increasing the number of underrepresented students participating in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) is a National Science Foundation (NSF) program designed to foster achievement in minority students seeking degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The goal is to increase the number of underrepresented minority (URM) students who complete baccalaureate and doctoral degrees in STEM fields and, ultimately, enter the ranks of the faculty.
LSAMP students enjoy enriching experiences, such as personal development and leadership development activities, as well as activities to strengthen academic learning. Activities include participation in cohort-based learning communities, supplemental instruction, mentoring relationships with faculty and more experienced students, an annual LSAMP symposium, research conferences, undergraduate research experiences, industry and laboratory internships, and networks for STEM opportunity information updates.
Latest News

Bridge to the Doctorate Fellowship Program at PVAMU

NOBCChE at Prairie View A&M University

The Clarkson McNair Scholars Program

REU in RNA at University at Albany, SUNY

“Above and beyond the programmatic elements of ETS and LSAMP, I greatly benefitted from the support network of not only underrepresented students like myself, but also administrators and faculty dedicated to our continuing success and future endeavors. I can assert unequivocally that without the encouragement and metnoring from these programs I would not have been to muster the courage (and generous resource) to pursue my PhD.”

“ ‘You have not because you know not’-Ashanti Johnson. I believe that this saying sums up one of the most important ways that LSAMP and BD impacts students. It may be surprising, but I believe that one of the most difficult barriers for underrepresented minorities to overcome is a basic lack of information about what they need to do to succeed. To others the steps involved in achieving higher education degrees are quite obvious because they have been told, by family members or others. However, this basic lack of knowledge is a significant barrier that often plagues underrepresented minorities. LSAMP and BD both provide this initial knowledge, which can make all the difference in helping a student obtain the degree they seek.”

“Being a part of the GIG program has really open my eyes to furthering my education through graduate school. Through the various workshops I have heard from multiple speakers who have all greatly influenced me to pursue higher education. I have learned of the numerous resources available to us, the application process, and what it takes to attend graduate school. Since then, I have already begun preparing through undergraduate research and seek to reach new heights of success.”

“It was by fate that I was introduced to the LSAMP GIG program. It was the semester I was wrapping up my Undergraduate Research Scholars Thesis at Texas A&M University. My lab mate mentioned that the LSAMP GIG program is a great opportunity for minorities to get involved and present their research. Attending the symposium meant much more than presenting a poster. It allowed me to connect to students with difficult backgrounds yet research was their open door into graduate school. With my heart set on attending graduate school after I graduate, I am very fortunate to have the GRE paid for by the GIG program. I am sincerely grateful to have been involved in program that holistically cares for students. Thank you.”
Contact Us
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us with this form!
TAMUS Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Program (LSAMP)
Zachry Engineering Education Complex, Rm 101,
125 Spence St, College Station, TX 77843
College Station, TX 77843-3405
(979) 862-4315 (office)
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday : 8 am – 5 pm