
Karen Butler-Purry, Ph.D
Texas A&M, Professor
Presentation: How to Apply to Graduate School

Shannon D. Walton, Ph.D.
Texas A&M, Assistant Dean, Director
Presentation: How to Apply to Graduate School

Sam Merriweather, Ph.D
Texas A&M, Access and Inclusion Senior Director
Moderator for Entrepreneur Session

Duncan M. Walker, Ph.D
Texas A&M, Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, Professor
Greeting and GEM Welcome

Howard G. Adams, Ph.D
Founder and President H.G. Adams & Associates, Inc.
Presentation: Why Graduate School

Joann Ransom
GEM Programs Manager
Presentation: How to Fund Graduate School

Tanya Wickliff, Ph.D
Texas A&M, Professor of Engineering Practice
Moderator for Voices from the Field Panel

TJ Falohun
Co-Founder of Olera Inc. & Ai-Ris LLC
Panelist in Entrepreneur Session

Jacob Torres, Ph.D
Texas A&M, Managing Partner and Principal at Torres & Associates, Senior Lecturer
Panelist in Entrepreneur Session

Michael Moreno, Ph.D
Texas A&M, Co-founder of Biomechanics Innovation Group (BIG) LLC, Associate Professor
Panelist in Entrepreneur Session

Kevin Fuentes
Mechanical Engineering Student
Panelist in Voices from the Field Session

Jessica Zamarripa
Material Science and Engineering Graduate Student
Panelist in Voices from the Field Session

Alice Archuleta-Ochoa
Microbiology Graduate Student
Panelist in Voices from the Field Session

Mykieala Cooper
Pharmacy Graduate Student
Panelist in Voices from the Field Session