Program Overview
This Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation program is aimed at increasing the quality and quantity of underrepresented students successfully completing science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) baccalaureate degree programs, and increasing the number of underrepresented students interested in, academically qualified for and matriculated into programs of graduate study. The Texas A&M University System Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (TAMUS LSAMP) undergraduate research program (UGR) program was established to promote this exceptional opportunity for promising and dedicated undergraduate students in an effort to enhance their academic experiences and professional skills. The immediate intent of this program is to link underrepresented undergraduate students with active and supportive faculty-researchers who will mentor them and provide them with opportunities to engage in research-related activities, as early as possible in the students’ academic careers. The long-term intent of the program is to encourage and prepare underrepresented students to continue their academic and research careers in STEM graduate programs.
Program Requirements
In order to apply to participate in the Undergraduate Research Program students must complete the TAMUS LSAMP Undergraduate Research Program Application online. This will be required for selection of UGR students for funding and for recognizing students’ official status as TAMUS LSAMP UGR program participants for program funding and for referrals to other opportunities.
In order to ensure that students’ participation is educationally meaningful, students are required to:
- MUST submit an application for a summer Research Experience for Undergraduates(REU).
- Maintain a minimum semester and cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher.
- Must have atleast a year remaining before finishing the degree.
- Perform a MINIMUM of 10 hours of research/lab work each week to the satisfaction of the research faculty mentor.
- Submit weekly web-based progress reports to the LSAMP program office.
- Attend periodic academic, personal and professional development workshops.
- Interact regularly and frequently with their faculty research mentors.
- Demonstrate good-faith participation in the mentor-mentee relationship and the research experience to the satisfaction of their faculty research mentors.
- Submit and present a two-part final report (abstract and formal research proposal).
- Produce evidence of their contribution to a presentable poster, Power-Point presentation, paper, report or a broadcast-ready demonstration and narration related to their research involvement, upon completing two or more semesters of supported participation.
- Attend the annual alliance-wide TAMUS LSAMP Mini-Symposium and TAMUS Pathways Research Symposium to present their work as a TAMUS LSAMP UGR program participant.
In order to assist students to progress to graduate school, they are strongly encouraged to:
- Take advantage of activities which will be identified by the LSAMP program and their mentors, to help them prepare to take the GRE, select graduate programs, and complete graduate school applications.
- Individually or collaboratively present at least once at another regional, or a national research conference, in addition to the required presentation at the annual TAMUS Pathways Research Symposium.
- Become a TAMUS LSAMP peer mentor and network with graduate and faculty mentors.
Program Eligibility
- U.S citizen or permanent resident.
- Currently enrolled in a minimum of 12 semester credit hours in a science, math, computer science or engineering major or an elementary education certification program with a math or science concentration.
- Be in good academic standing.
- Have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher the semester prior to applying for the UGR program.
- Possess an interest in research.
- Career goal of obtaining a master’s or doctoral degree in science, math, computer science or engineering and/or teaching in K-12 schools.
- Completed TAMUS LSAMP Undergraduate Research Program Application.
- Have a positive letter of recommendation from a science, math or engineering faculty member.
Program Benefits
- A semester stipend ($1000 for Freshmen, $1000 for Sophomores, $1200 for Juniors and $1500 for Seniors).
- Automatic continuation in the program (from semester to semester, for one academic year) for LSAMP UGR students in good standing. Students will not have to reapply to the program each academic year.
- Develop a one-on-one mentoring relationship with faculty.
- Help to clarify academic and career interests and goals.
- Acquire knowledge in your academic field that transcends classroom study.
- Enhance critical skills in communication, independent thinking, creativity and problem solving.
- Enhance professional and academic credentials to support applications for scholarships, awards, career employment and entry into graduate and professional schools.
- Engage in the creation of new knowledge on the cutting edge of an academic discipline and apply that knowledge to real-world problems.